Clean Power Supply components provide quality performance. By comparing the power supply waveform to a reference waveform, they complement deficiencies and eliminate any excess distortion.

Clean Power Supply components provide quality performance. By comparing the power supply waveform to a reference waveform, they complement deficiencies and eliminate any excess distortion.
Hypsos defines a completely new category of Hi-Fi products. This is not a simple power supply, but its own audio component - as (or more) an important part of the setup as any other.
A fundamentally new type of device for power supply of Hi-Fi equipment. PMS is a series of six modules that can be combined immediately or expanded later as needed. In almost any combination.
Powergrip devices provide safe and high-quality power supply for the operation of modern AV systems, leveling the effects of interference, switching power supplies and other devices connected to the same network.
The Vincent PF-2 eliminates all electrical disturbances that affect your hi-fi components or home theater system. Automativ overload protection protects the filter itself and the equipment connected to it.
In our showroom, the effect of the room on the sound is minimized. This makes it possible to hear what audio playback devices are capable of at their full potential, as well as easily imagine how they will sound in other conditions. Listening can be organized on the selected equipment and with your own recordings.